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Friday, November 16, 2007

Feeding the Muscle

In my early days of working out I used to eat a lot of food and used protein weight gaining powder in between meals. This seemed like a good idea at the time as I was gaining some pounds to my skinny frame. After awhile all those pounds were going straight to my gut. I was bigger but so was my waistline! I have found through the years with some experimentation that the best method for me in maintaining an ideal weight is to eat five to six smaller meals a day. On my workout days I add a protein shake as a meal that day. This works for me. If anyone out there is having a problem with maintaining a proper weight for them then maybe this is worth a try for a period of time. Next post I will get into a little bit about my workout routines and how I rest the aging body.

1 comment:

Colorado Baby said...

I agree about eating less but more times daily. I am thin and I eat what I want to I have always portioned my food, just something that comes natural. But the older we get gravity takes